Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lose Weight Even If you Can´t Exercise

Actually you don´t need to do or eat something to burn fat fast, you have to avoid it....

It is an ingredient that contains a lot of calories and according several medical researches, is dangerous for your health in general. This is.....


Sugar is the worst enemy for your body, it is way too acid, contains a lot of empty calories, raise your insulin and much more things, making you gaining fat and damaging your health.

Try this,

Avoid as much as posible simple sugars, for example,

If you drink coffee, do it with no sugar, drink lemonade or any kind of juice, with no sugar, and of course, avoid sugary snacks like muffins, cakes, chocolates, etc.

Wait, wait....., I know..., it is not simple, but if you do it, your going to size down, even if you don´t do any kind of exercise..... guaranteed.

But you know how this works, you have to be willing to try it, otherwise nothing is gonna happen.

So, give it a try and tell me how it goes...

More tricks to lose pounds here