Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lose Weight without Hunger

To lose weight you have to eat less calories right?

However, it doesn't mean that you have to eat less, because, eating the right foods you can even eat more and not gain weight.

And there's no need to count calories every time your going to take a meal, is more simple than that.

Instead of telling you what foods you should eat to lose weight, I'm going to tell you what you should avoid.

If you avoid this simple ingredient, your going to lose a lot of weight and reduce your hunger.


You should avoid..... Sugar and refine foods (bread, cakes, potato chips, etc.)

Sugar and refine foods contains a lot of calories, therefore, less calories you intake..... you lose weight.

Also, there's another benefit avoiding these foods, your not going to feel hungry all the time.


Sugar and refine foods increases blood sugar, that means that your body consume it really fast, so when is finished your body sends a signal to consume more and more, that's what we call hunger.

Now that you know this, try to eat more non process foods and reduce your sugar intake and please do not consume sweeteners, that's even worse than sugar.   

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More tricks to lose weight here